Friday, January 14, 2011

Guest Blogger and Tip on how to create a header for your blog...

1.) The guest blogger is back with a bit of winter for you this week. I look at the boots and they look so big, then I wonder when did that happen? When did his boots go from being tiny to this? In the blink of an eye I tell you, in the blink of an eye.
2.) Here is a video that will walk you through on creating a header for your own blog. I would put up a step by step. But, sometimes it's easier to follow a video. :)
Creating a blog header tutorial

3.) Inspiration for your weekend. I really liked this movie (Facing the Giants)--my whole family did. Here are 3 clips from the movie. The whole movie is so worth watching though.
Facing the Giants--inspiration
Message-Bloom where you are planted
Prepare your Field


  1. I've been wondering how to make my own header, thanks for the info and great picture C!

  2. Krisy, watch out next week. There just might be a header giveaway! :)
