Thursday, September 29, 2011

It feels good.

I've been missing in action from the blog and you know something, it feels good. It feels good not to be blogging every weekday. It feels good to not have the time and not stress over the fact that I don't.
You see I started this blog to be helpful to others, to offer a small spot on the web where people were welcome to come along and learn with me. But, I started to wonder if blogging was taking me away from doing more to be helpful to others. So, I've let blogging slip and picked up the more face to face kind of helping.

For those of you still wondering, I am still training for the marathon. It's coming up in less than 50 days. Whew. My training is going up right now (meaning longer training sessions). But, it's going to slow down the closer I get to the big day.  I've come back from many training sessions drenched in my own sweat.  Disgusting, I know. But, it feels great! Going out hitting the pavement and having that time to just think or not think. I usually do a lot of thinking and praying while I am out there. Yes, I am doing almost all my training alone. Little Man is in school and he was my coach (on his bike) over the summer. He pushed me. But, he still does when I think about things he would be saying to me.

I don't want to make any promises or any quick hits of the buttons to delete this blog. So, I am going to let it sit and when I feel inspired--I'll post. But, I am not planning my posts or anything anymore. You'll hear from me when something is weighing heavy on my heart that I have to share.

Until then, enjoy this crazy, wonderful life we have all been given.

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