Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can't be everything to everyone.

As true as this is in life, it is also true here in blogland. As I try to decide what my focus should be in blogland, I keep questioning myself because of what others (my readers) might miss. While in reality, that doesn't matter does it? I honestly feel if I can narrow my focus, I can be a better blogger. So, slowly this blog will be taking on a new face lift. I hope you stay around for it and find something that keeps you coming back. If not, I understand.
Also, coming up will be another book study. This will be similar to The Mission of Motherhood Posts. (Link) It will be on the new book Not A Fan. I am looking forward to this adventure with all of you - more on that to come later this week.

Another thing, I am feeling called to share is great healthy recipes for your families and the kids lunch boxes. So, look for more of those posts. Don't worry they won't all be vegan.

If you happened to noticed, the pages have changed to Faith, Fitness & Health, and Family. That will be where the focus is for right now.

Under family, you will find a lot of things. That's where the Mom stuff will be, the crafts, lessons, money saving, do it yourself type of things. I of course will be throwing in random fun stuff every now and again as I feel called. Oh and you can still find the photography links under there as well. So stay tuned as the blog gets a tune up.


  1. I love this! I am looking so forward to the new book, and I LOVE trying new recipes (especially healthier ones!). Keep up the great work! =)

  2. Thanks! :)
    Can't wait for all of this either.
