Friday, April 15, 2011

Capture It- Questions

My next topic deals with light in a photography, but before I jump to that topic (which can last a few weeks of posts), I wanted to touch base and get feedback on what else you want me to post in dealing with photography.

Please list for me your suggestions of topics to cover. As I am happy to cover what the needs are for each of you. Reading via email, be sure to chime in on the blog. Reading this and thinking someone else would love to learn more, pass it on and they can join in.

My hopes is that getting the pages set up will make joining in for specific areas that much easier.
So, leave a comment while you still remember! :)


  1. I would love to learn more about the different types of lenses for DSLRs and also, do you recommend an external flash? What about great places to take photographs? Tips on photo editing would be great too! :)

  2. Great questions and that leaves me with a number of posts! :) AWESOME! I was planning on talking about flashes when I do my series on light. Thanks, S!

  3. I took the kiddos to Elizabethtown the other weekend to take some pictures - in many of the spots that you have taken pictures of them before! The railroad station has really changed and a lot of the field area at the Masonic homes was under construction of some sort! But it really wasn't the same without our "Miss Amy!"
